The Rays (ISBN: 9781597842150)

The Rays (ISBN: 9781597842150)
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  • 34.00 ₺

En Ucuz : 34, En Pahalı 34, Toplam 1 Satıcı
The Rays is one of the key volumes of the Risale-i Nur Collection. In this volume, Bediuzzaman offers his insight on matters of belief with convincing arguments he puts forward in essays like The Supreme Sign. For Bediuzzaman, affirmation of faith is much easier than denial, for a single indication is enough for the former whereas an exhaustive investigation of the entire cosmos and throughout all times is necessary for the latter. He affirms that matters concerning what is sacred and spiritual require certainty and advancement in spiritual work; so denial based on evidence from material sphere and restricted only to what our eyes can see is unworthy of consideration. Belief is knowledge and a manifestation of being, and convictions underlying unbelief are ignorance and absence of judgment.

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