The Essence of Wisdom (ISBN: 9781597842631)

The Essence of Wisdom (ISBN: 9781597842631)
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  • 10.40 ₺

En Ucuz : 10.4, En Pahalı 10.4, Toplam 1 Satıcı
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was a master of words. The Prophet\'s words bore a unique depth of perspective, one that is unequaled in pleasure and distinctly delightful to hear. His words are a source of wisdom from beyond; his every word moved hearts and astonished minds.
The Prophet would sometimes portray a truth by telling a parable. This book is a collection of parables containing the words of the Prophet. Various topics are covered in these narratives of the Prophet along with an explanation of the warnings and lessons to be derived. In the introduction, and in eachstory?

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