Speech And Power Of Expression (ISBN: 9781597842167)

Speech And Power Of Expression (ISBN: 9781597842167)
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  • 13.20 ₺

En Ucuz : 13.2, En Pahalı 13.2, Toplam 1 Satıcı
The book in your hands is about this unique art of speech and it comes from a master of this skill. While Fethullah Gülen is revered by many for his authority as a scholar and for his achievements in education and dialogue, his power of expression and oratory skills should earn him equal renown. His impact on anyone who has happened to listen to him directly or through an audio recording is primarily because of his excellent oratory abilities, combined with a message that is acceptable to all-an ideal combination the components of which cross-fertilize one another to accomplish the objectives aimed in both. With the exception of misinformed sections of our society, polls show that a great majority supports his sincere message advocating peace, promoting education, reaching out to the poor and condemning terror and violence in all its forms. He has dedicated his entire career to teaching the God-given dignity of humans and all existence, while encouraging believers to selflessly engage with others without forsaking due reverence to respective positions, values, and identity, and by "reserving a seat for all in their hearts.

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