Pollyanna + MP3 CD (ISBN: 9781599666907)

Pollyanna + MP3 CD (ISBN: 9781599666907)
Ürün Resimleri İçin
  • 26.60 ₺ 25.20 ₺
  • Kazanç : 1.40 ₺

En Ucuz : 25.2, En Pahalı 26.6, Toplam 2 Satıcı
Pollyanna must live with her Aunt Polly after her father dies. It is a difficult time for her, but Pollyanna\'s father taught a game to help in difficult times. He taught her \"The Glad Game\". Whatever happens, Pollyanna always tries to find something to be glad about. In time, she teaches the people she meets the game. They all like it! The only person who does not seem to want to play \"The Glad Game\" is Aunt Polly.

Young Learners Classic Readers provide beginning English-language learners enjoyable and easy reading practice of famous stories from around the world. Young English-language learners will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency with the easy-to-read adaptations included in this varied collection of well-known tales for children.

Each story includes:

A short introduction
A picture gallery of characters
A story including full-color illustrations and highlighted dialog for easy recognition of spoken language
A short playlet
A word list with pictures

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