Life Drawing Class (ISBN: 9780007152766)

Life Drawing Class (ISBN: 9780007152766)
Ürün Resimleri İçin
  • 42.75 ₺ 40.50 ₺
  • Kazanç : 2.25 ₺

En Ucuz : 40.5, En Pahalı 42.75, Toplam 2 Satıcı
This is a practical guide to drawing and painting one of the most popular subjects in art - the human figure.

Section one introduces the reader to the basic elements of life drawing, offering advice on: drawing and painting equipment; the basic structure and proportions of the body; constructing the figure from simple shapes; capturing movement; drawing a figure in perspective and working with tone, light and colour; focusing on detail.

Section two builds on what the reader has already learnt, encouraging them to develop a unique style of theirown.

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