Ilhan Berk (ISBN: 9799758126506)
\"Yazmak mutsuzluktur, mutlu insan yazmaz. Bu yeryüzünü olduğu gibi görmeme engel olan ve bana bu yeryüzünü cehennem eden bu yazmak eyleminden kurtulduğum, mutlu olduğum bir tek şey var: Resim yapmak. \"
\"Writing is unhappiness. There is only one thing that can veil the world so that I don\'t have to see it as it is and that can liberate me from the act of writing which turns the world into a hell: Painting. \"
\"Writing is unhappiness. There is only one thing that can veil the world so that I don\'t have to see it as it is and that can liberate me from the act of writing which turns the world into a hell: Painting. \"