Hattusha Guide A Day In The Hittite Capital (ISBN: 9789758070497)

Hattusha Guide A Day In The Hittite Capital (ISBN: 9789758070497)
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  • 20.00 ₺

En Ucuz : 20, En Pahalı 20, Toplam 1 Satıcı
From around 1650/1600 to 1200 BC Hattusha was the capital city of the Hittites, who ruled over wide reaches of Anatolia. This guide includes a practical itinerary that leads you past all the most significant features of the ancient capital, including the rock-cut sanctuary of Yazilikaya nearby. Color photography and a wealth of reconstruction drawings accompany the descriptions -interesting, clear and easy to read- of each monument. You will also have at hand a brief history of the city, as well as bibliographical references for further reading in variouslanguages.

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