Echoes From the Deep (ISBN: 2880000107804)

Echoes From the Deep (ISBN: 2880000107804)
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  • 128.00 ₺

En Ucuz : 128, En Pahalı 128, Toplam 1 Satıcı
This is a profusely published book with photos and explanations of particulars - history of 31 shipswrecks and submarines lost in the Dardanelles Straits, Aegean Sea and the Marmara Sea, which is just released in May, 2013. The book comes with a DVD, which is documentary film of shipwrecks which lies at up to 90 meters. Fm foreword by Mustafa Koc #039;the contents include photographic images captured by using the most up-to-date underwater imaging technology and sonar images recorded with the latest 3D Multibeam Sonar and their complete stories, from launching to sinking, of the Ottoman, British, French and Australian registered wrecks and their remains from DardanellesCampaign... #039;

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