A Practical Course In Turkish (ISBN: 9789756557860)

A Practical Course In Turkish (ISBN: 9789756557860)
Ürün Resimleri İçin
  • 52.00 ₺ 48.75 ₺
  • Kazanç : 3.25 ₺

En Ucuz : 48.75, En Pahalı 52, Toplam 2 Satıcı
Assist. Assoc. Prof. Müfit Yıldırımalp received his Masters Degree on World Languages and Methodology from Georgetown University in the USA and completed his doctorate (ph. D) at the Faculty of Political Science of Istanbul University. Furthermore, Oxford University has granted Assist. Assoc. Prof. Yıldırımalp an Honorary Doctorate Degree for his contributions in the field of teaching foreign languages.
During the course of his studies in the USA, he started teaching Turkish at the Defence Language Institute. Also, at this time he started writing A PRACTICAL COURSE IN TURKISH, which he completed on his return to Turkey ten years later.
This book which was published by Sander Publishing Company was an immediate best seller. The revised edition is now published by Doruk Publishing Company.
Assist. Assoc. Prof. Müfit Yıldırımalp worked on A PRACTICAL COURSE IN TURKISH for several years and finally appeared in book form. Its fundamental aim is to teach daily spoken Turkish to foreigners in a communicative pratical and casual manner with an emphasis on pronunciation andfluency.

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